
Just had to share our very first nappy cake with you, we’re so proud of it haha it’s a custom order, we’d never made one before but I’m addicted!! Isn’t it sweet?!!


Lazy blogger

Hey hey! Just checking in to confirm that yes, I am still alive, but boy am I a great big ball of sleepiness.

These last couple of months my Crohns has kinda kicked my arse a little bit……ok a lot. I had it appear in my throat which is a pure mother plucker, then, as I got that under control I started to struggle to walk properly and lift my right leg. Weird right? Well when I saw my gastro on 13 April he said there was a risk that it could be an abscess. Be still my beating heart.

Anyway, after one CT scan referral, a giant thromby on my part over no one telling me they wanted to pump a load of contrast dye in my veins, then a different hospital and an MRI scan, I am happy to tell you I have no abscess! It’s my stricture which may not be scarring (bonus for my mammoth appetite) which indicates that I’m in, yet another, major flare. Anyway on a happy note I started medication today, I’m being built up slowly on it and am extremely hopeful that this will work now instead of the damn steroids.


So that’s my grumble over, and an explanation as to why I’ve been so quiet, I’ve just been absolutely drained with everything and have been trying to just relax. I started reading the first Twilight the other night too but that’s a whole other blog!!

Peace out my little cherubs xxxxxx

My week of being a zombie!

I’m actually pretty good at it, not that this is a surprise, when I get overly tired which can happen quite a lot I tend to go through life in a trance haha the week becomes a blur….and that’s pretty much what’s happened this last week!


So last Monday I got told that I can reduce my steroids, whoooopa, and as of tomorrow I’ll only be on 2 a day, 10mg! In 5 weeks time I’m back again to get started on some medication. Now, I’ve fought this for the last 3 1/2 years but I’m finally at the point where I want to give my body a chance to heal, to have some happy years in remission and a sense of normality so here’s hoping that it agrees with me. Oh, and that, apart from the many scary side effects, you know the usuals, liver damage, skin cancer, nausea, my bone marrow being affected there’s the whole staying out of intense sunlight. I always use factor 50 anyway but you try finding sunBLOCK over here in the UK, it’s like hunting for gold on a farm, pointless!! So hopefully factor 50 will be enough because my mum gets married in Cyprus in August, outside, at 12 noon. Yes. Midday heat and I’m a bridesmaid haha plus side, we know the photographer so any large red blotches appear then he can airbrush me up baby 🙂


Between hunting for sunblock, planning holiday outfits (yes, I know planning outfits 6 months ahead is OCD at it’s finest but positive thinking and all that!) we’ve been trying to sort out product labels, containers, oils, sorting the business website, I AM EXHAUSTED!! We had a nice meal out on Sunday though at The Red Hot World Buffet where my steroids could eat their little heart out, I was just a mere bystander haha seriously, I had 3 plates of starters, 1 plate of ‘mains’ which consisted of 3 different meals all seeping into one, bit gross to look at but tasted immense, and 2 plates of desserts!!! Yes, the all you can eat buffet was a HUGE success, so much so that we’re all looking to go back again soon for the night buffet, the sushi station wasn’t open for lunch and my mum and I are huge sushi fans so, it has to be done right?!


Oh, and lastnight I managed to lose a lense out of my glasses yesterday too, luckily I have contacts but my eyes are officially knackered. I feel like someone has blasted a hairdryer at them whilst holding them open with matchsticks. Ouch *whimpers*


That kind of takes us back to today, I’ve been a very bad blogger I know, I’m sorry but I have been very busy…..and feeling very sorry for my tired self haha but I’m back and currently full of chocolate frozen yogurt which I’m guessing may have more E numbers in that I normally find acceptable but I REALLY needed them (she say’s whilst getting ready to watch Obese: A year to save my life USA).


Anyway, ciao for now xoxo